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Fictitious trading: 87% of trading volumes at leading cryptomeria — fake

Have been private investigative journalism, pointing to the fact that big crypto currency exchange intends to inflate trading volumes. As it turns out, such practices do not disdain almost all the major exchanges and nearly 90% of the stated volumes — fake.

According to the report, published by the Institute of transparency of the Blockchain, approximately 87% of the trading volume of the 25 largest cryptocurrency exchanges are false.

The overestimation of the real amount of momentum cryptocurrency called “fictitious trading” (wash trading). Exchange exaggerated the popularity or the sales of certain tokens, which gives them the ability to charge developers $50,000 or more for the placement of coins on the relevant trading platform of the stock exchanges.

The report shows that of the 25 leading kryptomere listed on Coinmarketcap.com only two not actively engage in “fictitious trading”. The rest probably inflate their trade volumes by 70%, and 12 of them form 99% of the total trading volume.

Collectively, these major exchanges say that in an average day are transacted around $2.5 billion, although the report indicates that the real amount is about $324 million, which is about 87% less than the state exchange.


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