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The Kremlin said that the Venezuelan cryptocurrency they are not impressed

During the meeting, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and Russian President Vladimir Putin, held on 5 December, the delegation of the South American country told about their cryptocurrency Petro Russian colleagues. Moreover, in the words of Maduro, “the use of Petro as funds for commercial settlements with Russia is brought to the joint Committee in March,” but official Moscow demonstrates a lot less enthusiasm.

So, the Kremlin said that the representatives of the Central Bank of Russia and Federal tax service has reviewed with the Venezuelan cryptocurrency, but don’t expect to use it in trade. This was reported to journalists the Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Sergey Storchak.

“Representatives of our tax service, Central Bank, and were familiar with the cryptocurrency, which they (Venezuela – ed.) is now implemented. But not more than that. About the calculations — such not yet,” Storchak said, adding that he knew nothing about the meeting of the joint Commission, which announced Maduro.

Earlier it became known that the Venezuelan authorities forcibly transferred pensions with the national Fiat currency to cryptocurrency Petro. Earlier, the pensioners, the Latin American countries received a pension to your Bank account in a national Fiat currency, bolivars, after which it could obtain cash in the nearest branch of the Bank. The latest charges came on the web purses citizens were automatically converted by the government at the Petro. Ie, at first retired enlisted bolivars, then the government removed them and converted it into a national cryptocurrency.


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