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German politicians want to create cryptocurrency to fight CO2 emissions

The German Free Democratic Party is proposing the release of a new cryptocurrency called Arbil for anyone who reduces the amount of CO2 or other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It was proposed to create a new digital currency with the motto “Transfer CO2 to the blockchain”.

The party recognizes that focusing only on reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere is no longer enough. If the world wants to slow down global warming, then it needs to get rid of the greenhouse gases that are already in the atmosphere.

Party spokesman Marco Bushmann said that the project at first glance seems to be technically complex, but in fact it is quite simple:

“Everyone who reduces the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere gets paid. Therefore, we want to promote active climate protection and foster ingenuity and innovation. ”

Arbil will receive value through a guarantee of the exchange of coins for issue certificates. One Arbil coin will correspond to the cost of the certificate for one ton of CO2, which is currently estimated at about $ 30.

“We want to offer this initiative to the whole world. Thanks to our blockchain concept, national emission trading systems can be elegantly combined, ”added Frank Citta, another party member.

If you look closely, when reading the opposite, Arbil coincides with the name of the cryptocurrency project of Facebook.


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