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Course Ethereum: analysis of market news, November 16, 2018

According to CoinMarketCap, as of 18:00 GMT on 16 November, the Ethereum market was estimated at $18.3 billion.

In the ranking of the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization markets Ethereum second position lost aldonu Ripple. The gap in the amounts of capitalization of rival crypto-currencies is about $0.6 billion.

Статистика CoinMarketCap
Statistics CoinMarketCap

The weighted average price per coin ETH is $178. On cryptomeria where Ethereum is quoted to the dollar, the price per coin at the moment is $175.

The last 24 hours quotes Ethereum to the U.S. dollar did not cross the border of the price range of $180-174.

Experts from the technical analysis indicate a high probability of retesting the next 24 hours support rates ETH at the level of its local minimum – $165.


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